Monday, April 27, 2009

Under Control

This has nothing to do with horses...well, except that horses can be inspiring and comforting and almost always make me smile, in the same way that Nie Nie's Blog inspires and comforts me, and makes me smile.

Stephanie Nielsen is the mother of four youngsters. Last summer, she went with her husband to take a flying lesson. The plane crashed, fatally injuring the instructor and severely burning both the Nielsens. After being kept in a coma for months to facilitate healing, they have begun to recover the life they shared before the accident.

The inspiring, comforting part is how Nie Nie's family has worked to support them in their struggle, how the children are learning to cope, how Mr. Nielsen (as she calls her husband) values and cares for them all. Nie Nie had more surgery last week, an ordeal we can't begin to conprehend, and when she turned to her dad in despair, he reminded her that Everything Is Under Control.

Don't we all need to know this? In the midst of even the most mundane of life's trials, it's a comfort to hear that Everything Is Under Control. Reading Nie Nie's posts always reminds me of the strength of the human spirit, and the ultimate power of Love.

Visit her blog and claim some comfort for yourself.


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