Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Public Service Announcement

Having spent 42 of the last 48 hours worrying about and hunting for two runaway dogs, I have a few pieces of advice for those who keep canine companions:

1) Get each dog a collar and a rabies vaccination. Then hang the vaccination tag on the collar. The number on that tag can help identify your pet if it gets lost.

2) Go to a nearby Pet Smart store, look in some of the pet goods catalogues, or search on line for a way to make ID tags for all your animals. Put the animal's name, your name and a phone number on the tag, then put the tag on the collar. This can apply to horses, donkeys, zebras and alpacas, as well. Or pet cows, for that matter. A leather halter with an ID tag can be invaluable during storm situations, when fences get broken and spooked animals escape.

3) Support your local Humane Society and Animal Shelters. My dogs wandered five miles up the road, farther than I would have believed possible. I came home from putting flyers in mailboxes this morning to find a message saying the nice woman who lived up there had secured them for me to pick up. The way she got my name and number...I had filed a report with Animal Control. Blessings on Mrs. Murchison and the guys at the Animal Shelter, who were kind when I called and kept my information right at the front of their list!

I'll be putting electric wire around my back yard to keep the dogs from digging out underneath the mesh we put up to keep them in. I just couldn't get it done before Fanny took off on an adventure and forgot how to get back. I'm thrilled I don't have to drive around looking for dog corpses on the side of the road anymore. Just not the way to spend a beautiful autumn day.

All the best,


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